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SAT Practice Test

Practice your SAT skills here with an official CollegeBoard practice test!

We’ve got a practice SAT test for you! This is from the official College Board that administers these tests, so this is as good practice as you can get. The key is to practice, practice, practice. Do it right: time yourself, simulate the actual test day experience, and give yourself a chance to do more than one practice test, you’ll be surprised how much practice will make a difference. You can download the practice test along with the answers below.

After you’ve finished, score your test using your phone and the free mobile app, Daily Practice for the New SAT, or print the resources that come with each test to score them by hand.

Before You Start

You’ll need a printer, pencil, calculator, and timer to take the tests. Here are some tips:

  • Mark your answers in the correct row of circles on the answer sheet. Be especially careful if you skip questions.
  • It’s okay to guess. You won’t lose any points if you’re wrong.
  • Learn how to enter your answers on math grid-ins.

If you’re using a screen reader or other assistive technology, we recommend the Microsoft Word practice tests optimized for you. If you prefer, you can also practice using the MP3 audio format.

Download Practice Test
